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Discover if Sue Williams and Colleagues
is just what you are looking for to amplify your business in the
United States.

Each segment of our service has its own requirements in expense and time. We will provide estimated costs after an initial conversation or meeting with the principal of a candidate firm, who will then choose the services desired. We are happy to show our portfolio of previous clients and results.

Please contact us by email: colleaguesinc@earthlink.net, or by telephone: (804) 644-3946

We are mindful of the necessity to keep expenses to a minimum for maximum sales results. We are also very mindful of the efficacy of weighing costs against projected returns. Especially for foreign-based firms, by handling all or nearly all of an exporter’s promotion needs, we can cut costs substantially, eliminate wasted expenditures of time and money, and offer an increased probability of success.

We offer the benefit of our personal intimacy within the United States marketing structure, including the tight network of people and information so vital to success.

colleaguesinc@earthlink.net | telephone 804.644.3946 | mobile 804.306.2930 | fax 804.644.3834| SueWilliamsandColleagues.com